German «Der Blaue Engel / The Blue Angel» is the world’s oldest ecolabel scheme. Der Blaue Engel is the official ecolabel scheme in Germany, and they consider all relevant environmental problems throughout the product life cycle, as the Swan label does in Norway.
By using products bearing this symbol, you can be sure that you are doing something good for yourself, for the environment and for the future.
- This Ecolabel is awarded only the best products in a category.
- «Der Blaue Engel» is a type 1 ecolabel according to ISO 14024. The label thus meets the highest standards regarding the standards it determines.
- This brand is an important decision criterion for public tenders and B2B businesses.
The EuCertPlast Certification Scheme’s goal is to improve traceability of collected used plastics and improve the quality of recycling and trade practices for plastic waste. The certification scheme is co-financed by the European Commission.
A business will only be EuCertPlast approved after a thorough revision of work routines and traceability that follows the entire waste stream. EuCertPlast auditors go through the entire recycling process, from arrival of waste to a finished recycled final product.
Only when a company has achieved all of EuCertPlast’s strict requirements can one become certified.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 an international standard that sets requirements for a quality management system when an organization:
- need to prove its ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer requirements and requirements in laws and regulations.
- aims to improve customer satisfaction through effective application of the system, including processes for system improvement and compliance with customer requirements and requirements in applicable laws and regulations.
Carbon Footprint Analysis – CO2 Footprint
The purpose of this climate account is to calculate the climate impact from the production of refuse sacks made from recycled PE at Norfolier’s plant at Notodden.
The climate accounts for refuse sacks are compared to examples for the production of standard bags made of virgin material in Germany and China, respectively. The result shows that the carbon footprint for refuse sacks made from recycled material is more than 10 times lower than existing bags made of virgin material.

Green Point Norway (GPN)
Green Point Norway is a non-profit member organization. All companies that introduce products on the market are responsible for the packaging when it has become waste. This is done through Green Point Norway membership.
The contribution the company pays into is used in its entirety to motivate, narrow and recycle the packaging. Green Point Norway takes responsibility throughout the country where the packaging becomes waste.
Do you want a copy of a certificate? Please click here to request.