Great quality for ordinary waste management
Eco-friendly and strong waste bags
- Specialized factory in Norway – focused production of refuse sacks of 100% recycled plastics. Many years of experience specialized in refuse sack production provides sacks of high and consistent quality.
- Plastic waste is collected in Norway and recycled in our recycling factory in Folldal, Norway. Proprietary technology with a unique raw material mix provides films with extra strength to the refuse sacks.
- Plasten er innsamlet i Norge og gjenvunnet lokalt i vår gjenvinningsfabrikk i Folldal. Egen utviklet råvaremiks og teknologi gir sekkene ekstra styrke. Basis-sekkene tåler inntil 25 kg.
- Large environmental benefits with use of recycled plastics compared to new plastics and factory waste.
– 90% less CO2 emission
– 80% less energy consumption - 100% recyclable.